Whether we liked it, loved it or despised it, we know that the year 2024 was exactly what it was supposed to be. The saying goes "hindsight is 2020", but we're in 2025.
With that, I sincerely believe that through 2025, we can get it right. It may take 3 months, it might take all 12 months, but this calendar year, we can sincerely do it. And better than we have before.
We are absolutely living in a time where information is available and accessible in a way that has never been in human history (with respect to the very first family that ever existed). So, between Google and YouTube, if you live anywhere that has access to a cellphone or computer, there's almost nothing that you won't be able to find out about.
It isn't the information that makes us successful, but it does aid us in the process. With that being said, we need a process, and for that process we need practice; practice makes better. What am I saying, I'm saying that practicing our process based on the information we get will help us to achieve our goals. Often times our goals feel hindered by the lack of information, process or practice that we have to participate in to find the success we are looking for. It may merely be a matter of circumstance that we have not done so yet but at least we'd be striving and doing the work to get closer to it.
Here's a question. Do we find the most satisfaction in ending a task or having worked through it? I'd argue that it's both and, and not either or. It's the work along with the desired result. Sometimes we do the work and still end up with an undesired result. At that point, at least we can say that we can look back over the information, processes and practices to examine what has taken place and if desired, to make re-attempt or more attempts at fulfilling said goals. And when we feel success to rinse and repeat.

This Calander year of 2025, looking ahead may seem as though the things we want to achieve are far from us and possibly impossible to reach. So let me give you something that might help. Try not to focus on the time more than the task. One thing about living in the future is that we have a tendency to believe and desire things to keep happening faster, and faster and faster. But as it has been said many times, anxiety weighs down the heart. That actually comes from a proverb of Solomon, who was considered the wisest person to ever live (even though Jesus is referred to "as" the wisdom of God, but let's not go there, at least not now).
Let me wrap this us. I want and hope that you can be encouraged this go round to build your confidence in yourself, knowing that you are doing the things that are getting you closer to your goal. One little baby step at a time, like Bob, and if you know, you know. But if you don't know, and you're reading this, then thank goodness for Google and YouTube. You might as well go get started or get back to it. Keep Living in FourWords Motion and Living to Be Known, because Living to Be Known is a Forward(4Words) Motion. There's so much to share this year. See you soon.
2025(25) We Can Get It Right?
Much love,
It's Valet.
Proverbs 12:25-27
"25. Anxiety in a person's heart weighs it down, but a good word makes it glad
The righteous person is a guide to his neighbor, but the way of the wicked leads them astray
A lazy person does not roast his prey, but the precious possession of a person is diligence."
A song for you called Medicine by Valet Del Roy